The Morse Family

Beyond Me

Beyond Me

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


the kind of friend who calls at 430p to see if i would come over with the boys and have a glass of wine while she fixes dinner..
laughter as we watch it all unfold in the kitchen..the five kids, the dog, oh the drama..a knowing look passes between moms.
when she aches, i ache as if the pain were mine
our boys have a play date every week..we switch back and forth houses
the boys love one another so well, they genuinely care for one another and want to share the very best, the batman fighter guy
the mom moment when she drops him off and a look would pass quickly..the eyes say it the day/week is transpiring, sometimes leads to a chat, sometimes just the look is enough to know

anytime maxeys and morses are together fun is a given and depth expected.

i say i am no good at goodbyes, but truth be told i think i am a master of them. i feel them at the depth of my being. i know that this is what the Lord had in His plans all is so obvious that this is for His good and for His glory.  i look with expectation at what He has done and is going to do through your move.  i know it is best...but still, i ache.  i ache in my soul as i lay in bed tonight at the thought that our boys may not remember one another when they are grown. i mourn the ease and intimacy of our friendship, that will now be one of distance and facebook posts.

mostly, i just wanted to say that Heather, Jack, Jackson and RyJ love you, Katherine, Matt, Will, Annely Blake, Henry and "FLORIDA".

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