The Morse Family

Beyond Me

Beyond Me

Saturday, July 30, 2011

extreme thankfulness

as of late, i find myself with an overflowing of extreme thankfulness

sitting outside looking around our back yard last night, jack was swimming, I was sipping a half glass of white wine, an overflow of thank you came from my heart..

the landscaped yard given to us by my in-laws who funded the project
the pool--originally unwanted part of our house purchase, a pork barrel of sorts..if you will--now a huge blessing to our family and to many others who come and go from it daily
the house completely out of our reach in a climbing economy became possible because the Lord saw fit
and...the two sons..both in the house sleeping, both bring a joy to my heart that I never would have known and still find it hard to even express with written words

all of this for
two unlikely sinners who both struggle with ugly sin like same sex attraction, apathy, idolatry...
a man and woman who strive to fill ourselves with things that will never satisfy...

I am extremely thankful that Our Giving Father chooses to lavish blessing on
jack and heather, even as we struggle to be in relationship with Him.

He gave all of this to our family and even His life.

He gave it all to bring glory back to Himself.


  1. Rejoicing with you and praying that He will continue to bless you with even more than you can imagine of this sweet season!
