If you read Darby's blog here is a repeat! I laughed and laughed at this "ugly face" movie! Please watch this and laugh with me :) I can't figure out how to make the video smaller so you may just want to click on the video or click here to watch it on youtube.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
cute new do
before the snip..you can find more on facebook...this is unstraightened..this is what it looked like before I spent 15 minutes getting all hot and sweaty under a hair dryer...i was finally done with the craziness of my hair with jack's permission, of course..
we shall see if i can make it look like this..but i think it will be half the battle the long hair was, at least...since half of it is buzzed...ha! i LOVE it.
Here are some more shots.
Sarah, the stylist, listened..felt my head to ensure no weird shapes..looked for my cowlicks to ensure nothing weird there..was very honest about what would and wouldn't work. Taught me how to style it different ways..AND i got a glass of white! all for 40 bucks..umm amazing! oh, and the girl that she cut before me got a very traditional cute bob..and so I know Sarah can do traditional well too!
Go see Sarah at Republic Salon..click on "cute new do" to be directed to their website..and tell them Heather Morse sent you :) oh and tell me before you go.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
my sentiments exactly
this is from my friend kel's blog..and really exactly what i was thinking, so since she says it best..i will let her say it (ps. if you click on the title of this post you can go to her blog):
"I am the worst sort of person. Now, real quick, before you start thinking "Oh, no you're not" or, "she's just fishing for complements, hear me out. I carry guilt about a whole host of things. Mainly the fact that I have a master's degree that we're still paying off, I've never used it. I am secretly proud about so much and I have a growing fear that I've walked around for most of my life like the emperor with my nose stuck in the air and no clue that I'm actually naked. If you talk to me about faith, I will tell you about how the free grace of God has utterly changed my life, yet, I'm still so judgmental. Every Sunday during the corporate silent confession of sin, I confess the same sins over and over again.
But this is not the end of the story. You see, the God of the universe sent his only son to live a perfect life, die, and rise again so that I can know Him. Me. The judgmental, prideful, slothful, guilty, scared of everything woman who walks around trying so hard to look put together. Even me. Don't let my futile attempts of cleaning my house and dressing myself and my family well fool you, I need Christ so desperately. He alone is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. He did all of the work, not so I wouldn't have to, but because I can't. Christ covers my sin which allows me to enter into relationship with the God of the universe. He is the only source of love that there is and it is only because of His massive love that I can love Him. Or anyone else for the matter.
The really good news? He's for you too.
"Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer. But this I know with all my heart, His wounds have paid my ransom."-Stuart Townsend"
"I am the worst sort of person. Now, real quick, before you start thinking "Oh, no you're not" or, "she's just fishing for complements, hear me out. I carry guilt about a whole host of things. Mainly the fact that I have a master's degree that we're still paying off, I've never used it. I am secretly proud about so much and I have a growing fear that I've walked around for most of my life like the emperor with my nose stuck in the air and no clue that I'm actually naked. If you talk to me about faith, I will tell you about how the free grace of God has utterly changed my life, yet, I'm still so judgmental. Every Sunday during the corporate silent confession of sin, I confess the same sins over and over again.
But this is not the end of the story. You see, the God of the universe sent his only son to live a perfect life, die, and rise again so that I can know Him. Me. The judgmental, prideful, slothful, guilty, scared of everything woman who walks around trying so hard to look put together. Even me. Don't let my futile attempts of cleaning my house and dressing myself and my family well fool you, I need Christ so desperately. He alone is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. He did all of the work, not so I wouldn't have to, but because I can't. Christ covers my sin which allows me to enter into relationship with the God of the universe. He is the only source of love that there is and it is only because of His massive love that I can love Him. Or anyone else for the matter.
The really good news? He's for you too.
"Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer. But this I know with all my heart, His wounds have paid my ransom."-Stuart Townsend"
Friday, June 11, 2010
the language of faith
4 years old
late night sleeping under Rainbow Brite comforter
loud noises in the living room
walk in a daze into the hallway
watch. hiding.
mommy crying
mommy and dad in a struggle at the door
daddy trying to get out
mommy trying to keep him in
daddy really drunk
daddy gets out
mommy sees me
mommy grabs me
we drive around the moonlit neighborhood
looking for daddy
mommy crying
Those are images that haunt me. I think of them often when jack and i fight and jackson sits and watches...My initial thought was 'we will never have an argument around him'..we will fight in private. But last night at our Shepherding a Child's Heart summer book club (that you are invited to attend, if you are interested...as it is not an exclusive group :), the Lord showed up and met me.
I listened as a dear friend explained her childhood as an imperfect childhood where there was struggle, but when she looks back she smells the "aroma of Christ"..I look back at my memories of my mom and dad together and just remember hardness..just remember fighting..just remember alcohol abuse..just remember struggle. So why does her memory of hard times carry with it Christ's aroma? probably a lot of reasons..but one being maybe because in her home there existed a "language of faith" (stealing that phrase from my dear friend Kaitie Bryant who was at the meeting and used that phrase) There was hard struggle, repentance, conversation about sin, and explanation about God's grace and unconditional love for His children even though we screw up. There was a "place to put" the hardness..the children knew about mommy and daddy's sin and forgiveness because it was talked about and prayed about together.
The thing that occurred to me in that moment was that the Lord needs us (His followers) to be real about who we are and what we struggle with...He wants us to show our imperfect selves to our spouses, our friends, and even our children. 2 Corinthians 12:10 (New International Version)10That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. The Lord uses our weakest moments to glorify Himself.
The struggle in the living room that late night when I was four, was not the thing that wounded me and makes me still remember even now at the age of 31. The lack of resolution and understanding..and the lack of Christ...left me afraid and alone..and fearful.. The Lord showed up last night and spoke to my heart. He said:
late night sleeping under Rainbow Brite comforter
loud noises in the living room
walk in a daze into the hallway
watch. hiding.
mommy crying
mommy and dad in a struggle at the door
daddy trying to get out
mommy trying to keep him in
daddy really drunk
daddy gets out
mommy sees me
mommy grabs me
we drive around the moonlit neighborhood
looking for daddy
mommy crying
Those are images that haunt me. I think of them often when jack and i fight and jackson sits and watches...My initial thought was 'we will never have an argument around him'..we will fight in private. But last night at our Shepherding a Child's Heart summer book club (that you are invited to attend, if you are interested...as it is not an exclusive group :), the Lord showed up and met me.
I listened as a dear friend explained her childhood as an imperfect childhood where there was struggle, but when she looks back she smells the "aroma of Christ"..I look back at my memories of my mom and dad together and just remember hardness..just remember fighting..just remember alcohol abuse..just remember struggle. So why does her memory of hard times carry with it Christ's aroma? probably a lot of reasons..but one being maybe because in her home there existed a "language of faith" (stealing that phrase from my dear friend Kaitie Bryant who was at the meeting and used that phrase) There was hard struggle, repentance, conversation about sin, and explanation about God's grace and unconditional love for His children even though we screw up. There was a "place to put" the hardness..the children knew about mommy and daddy's sin and forgiveness because it was talked about and prayed about together.
The thing that occurred to me in that moment was that the Lord needs us (His followers) to be real about who we are and what we struggle with...He wants us to show our imperfect selves to our spouses, our friends, and even our children. 2 Corinthians 12:10 (New International Version)10That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. The Lord uses our weakest moments to glorify Himself.
The struggle in the living room that late night when I was four, was not the thing that wounded me and makes me still remember even now at the age of 31. The lack of resolution and understanding..and the lack of Christ...left me afraid and alone..and fearful.. The Lord showed up last night and spoke to my heart. He said:
Isaiah 41:9-11 (New International Version)
9I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant';I have chosen you and have not rejected you.10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
the very best bread machine recipe for wheat bread that I have ever tried
I have been baking breads for about two years now.
It all started when I got married to a white bread man and I really wanted him to love whole wheat bread, so I started on a mission to make him love/eat it with me. I started baking bread..and what man is going to come home to a house that smells like warm fresh baked bread and not try some..even if it is whole wheat. I usually make bread the old fashioned way..completely by hand without any machines. However, as Jackson gets older and more fun, I am starting to dread the days that I have to take so much time away from playing to be in the kitchen...esp. this summer when playing outside is SO big for him. I researched some bread machine recipes online and have tried a few recipes in the bread machine...nothing! Then alas...I found one. An easy, yummy, perfect whole wheat bread recipe. If you click on the title of this post, it will take you to the recipe at about.com.
I did tweak it..I used 1/2 bread flour and 1/2 whole wheat flour because I don't love the denseness that I get when I use 100% whole wheat. I am going to try it with 100% whole wheat next time, however, because I am out of bread flour. I will let you know how that goes. Here is the proof that the bread was amazing! (this recipe is for a 2 pound bread machine...)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
why is something so simple so difficult for me?
the simple gospel:
my/your heart is black with sin apart from Christ
Jesus died and rose so we can have a relationship with Him despite our black sinful hearts
Everything good comes from Christ, nothing good comes from us (because of our black sinful hearts)..
We need Jesus to save us from ourselves, so we acknowledge our need
He saves us from a life of shallow emptiness and gives us a full life
The full life He promises is one of us screwing up, us turning to Him away from our sin, Him accepting/loving us, us Glorifying Him, us screwing up (the cycle is repeated over and over...)..as He makes us into who He intends for us to be and brings people to Himself.
The purpose of this life is to Glory Him and live with Him forever both now and throughout eternity.
Why do I have so much trouble with believing this for Jackson? I am so quick to resort to a frustrated, "Why do you keep disobeying me?? Stop!"
I don't want a child who knows all of the right things to do, but has no clue about the sinfulness of His heart and his motives. I don't want a child who simply does all of the right things and has no clue how much He needs Jesus. So, why do I constantly ask Him to preform without addressing his heart?
Lord, Help me to remember the simple truths found in your Word...for me and for my marriage and for my son.
my/your heart is black with sin apart from Christ
Jesus died and rose so we can have a relationship with Him despite our black sinful hearts
Everything good comes from Christ, nothing good comes from us (because of our black sinful hearts)..
We need Jesus to save us from ourselves, so we acknowledge our need
He saves us from a life of shallow emptiness and gives us a full life
The full life He promises is one of us screwing up, us turning to Him away from our sin, Him accepting/loving us, us Glorifying Him, us screwing up (the cycle is repeated over and over...)..as He makes us into who He intends for us to be and brings people to Himself.
The purpose of this life is to Glory Him and live with Him forever both now and throughout eternity.
Why do I have so much trouble with believing this for Jackson? I am so quick to resort to a frustrated, "Why do you keep disobeying me?? Stop!"
I don't want a child who knows all of the right things to do, but has no clue about the sinfulness of His heart and his motives. I don't want a child who simply does all of the right things and has no clue how much He needs Jesus. So, why do I constantly ask Him to preform without addressing his heart?
Lord, Help me to remember the simple truths found in your Word...for me and for my marriage and for my son.
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